This last Part show you the Google Reader keyboard shortcuts for the application itself.
r: refresh
u: toggle full screen mode
1: switch to expanded view
2: switch to list view
/: move cursor to search box
Google Reader keyboard shortcuts, Part 4 of 4
Posted by billspaced | 2:22 PM | google reader | 0 comments »Google Reader keyboard shortcuts, Part 3 of 4
Posted by billspaced | 2:21 PM | google reader | 0 comments »This 3rd Part of the 4 Part series on Google Reader keyboard shortcuts is about jumping around in Reader.
g then h: go home
g then a: go to all items
g then s: go to starred items
g then
g then u: open subscription selector
g then t: open tag selector
g then
Google Reader keyboard shortcuts, Part 2 of 4
Posted by billspaced | 2:20 PM | google reader | 0 comments »This 2nd Part in the 4 Part series on Google Reader keyboard shortcuts concerns Action. Basically, how does one act (star, share, view, tag, mark, expand, email) on a given item?
Acting on items
s: star item
v: view original
t: tag item
m: mark item as read/unread
o/enter: expand/collapse item (list only)
e: email item
Google Reader keyboard shortcuts, Part 1 of 4
Posted by billspaced | 2:14 PM | google reader | 0 comments »Happy New Year!!!
I've just started re-using Google Reader again and am going to give it the old college try this time. Last time, I chose Netvibes over Reader, but everybody seems to love Google Reader so much that I feel compelled to try to make the most of it, surmising that perhaps I missed a lot last time around.
I'm a visual sort of fellow and Netvibes really fills the bill there. But Reader has a lot more productivity-enhancing features that it's worth a shot. So, here is the "official" list of Google shortcuts.
Enjoy. By the way, the shortcut for the list of shortcuts, within Reader, of course, is Shift + / (that's a Shift key and a forward slash at the same time).
These shortcuts should cut down a lot of mousing around.
Here's Part 1 of the list, as copied directly from Google's page on the subject:
j/k: next/previous item
space: next item or page
n/p: item scan down/up (list only)
Five Firefox Tips You May Not Know About |
Posted by billspaced | 2:51 AM | 0 comments »One of my favorite web sites, makeuseof, has a great post on Firefox tips, one of which is immediately useful and interesting:
4. Start downloads instantlyNow, in order to get this to work, you'll have to add the download icon to your toolbar menu (View, Toolbars, drag icon to toolbar menu, Close).Instead of right-clicking on a download link, choosing “save to target” and pressing enter, just drag the download link to the “downloads icon” in the toolbar. The download will start automatically.
Five Firefox Tips You May Not Know About |
Surely, Kaspersky regrets the inclusion in its virus definitions the program most rooted in the bowels of Windows, the program needed to make it run. But, as many of us are aware and have probably thought to ourselves already, Explorer sometimes does act like a virus: You catch it and it won't let go, leading you to decide to kill your computer rather than make it --and you -- suffer its horrific death.
Okay, maybe a little dramatic, but you get the point. To be fair, I sometimes feel this way about Apple, too.
Techdirt: Kaspersky Decides Windows Explorer Is A Virus
Report: Google preps online storage service
System Requirements:
* PC running Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista
* 128 MB RAM (256 recommended)
* 10 MB free disc space
* Internet connection (broadband recommended)
Confessions of a freeware junkie: Print to any computer over the 'Net: Printer Anywhere 1.0.008
Microsoft Windows XP - Command-line reference A-Z
Data Recovery Software - File System Utilities
Here's a good rundown of how to use the software:
Hot Image Your PC's Hard Drive with DriveImage XML
Beware Facebook: New advertising scheme is a privacy nightmare
Posted by billspaced | 5:58 AM | 0 comments »So far, I think I've failed in that respect.
Imagine my horror, however, when I started reading posts about people who had purchased something online, only to find that minutes later, their purchase was being announced on Facebook.
Facebook employs a "beacon" that other web sites use to share information about buying habits of its users. You buy something online, the retailer you purchased from shares the data with Facebook. I have no idea how Facebook knows who you are if you're not signed into Facebook, but it seems as though there are people out there who have had their purchasing history shared with Facebook when they weren't signed in. They might simply be using IP addresses, which brings up a whole host of other issues (as innocent as my children buying something online to something as whacked as somebody I don't know spoofing my IP and then buying a giant dildo on an adult site).
Facebook claims that no privacy issues are taking place because only your "friends" see these notices.
User privacy is extremely important to Facebook. We designed Facebook Beacon to enable effortless sharing, but we've also put in features to protect user privacy. When you send an action to Facebook, the user is immediately alerted of the story you wish to publish and will be alerted again when they sign into Facebook. The user can choose to opt out of the story in either instance, but the user doesn't need to take any action for the story to be published on Facebook.First of all, that policy could change. Privacy policies and other policies of companies largely are one-way agreements where the company holding the agreement holds all the cards, and if you want to use the site, you have to agree with the policy.
Second, the key to Facebook success (or any other social networking site like MySpace) is getting as many friends as possible. Many of these folks are not friends, but internet acquaintances that could turn out to be stalkers, creeps, or other sorts of miscreants. Maybe even killers.
Thirdly, now the "beacon" shares purchasing history. But it could share browsing history. Imagine how you might feel if you type in the wrong URL and instead of going to visit the White House, you instead visit a porn site (typing in "" used to take the surfer to a porn site, now it takes you to an election-type site that is in no way affiliated with the White House).
In any event, I, for one, do not wish to share what I do outside Facebook with Facebook, true friends or not. This newfangled advertising money grab is just too creepy for me to accept. So, I stumbled upon the Idea Shower, a site whose author, Nate Weiner, dreams up solutions to problems. Sometimes, he devises the solution himself, like in Read it Later; other times, he finds an existing mechanism that then may need to be tweaked a bit.
"Block Facebook Beacon" is one of those instances where Nate employs an existing piece of code and applies it to a specific use. The details, and how-to solution, are featured in this post.
I highly recommend you install the Firefox extension in every computer you use. I also recommend setting up your Facebook preferences (External Websites) to not share any third-party information with Facebook.
Here's the best deal I've seen yet on online storage -- 50 GB of storage, online, FREE.
I just signed up for the beta of ADrive - Online Storage & Backup. It's worth a shot. I wouldn't put any critically important files up there for now, until I had a chance to see it work for a while. But I believe that online storage is a crucial part of anybody's backup plan.
Get ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware FREE today only.
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It's good to know that others experience the same frustrating customer service as I do, though I'm a little depressed now, since I thought I was special, just like everyone else.
Below is a link to Andrew Tobias' web site, where he occasionally becomes a fanboy of IBM Thinkpads (now Lenovo). In short, he tells a tale of trying to downgrade his laptop from Vista to XP.
"Buy a Mac."
Lenovo Recommends Vista - II
The Cut Out and Keep Guide to Essential Software Programs |
Posted by billspaced | 11:16 AM | 0 comments »This is a great start to building a new computer. Some day, I'll put together a similar guide, but with my 'essential' software.
To this list, however, I'd add a few things right off the bat:
Firewall: Comodo
Virus checker: Comodo
Spyware: Comodo
(Can you tell I'm a fan of the free software?)
Music: iTunes (I have a love-hate relationship with this software)
Microsoft Office (still the best)
The Cut Out and Keep Guide to Essential Software Programs |
1. Right click on an empty spot on your desktop and select New - Shortcut.
2. Type %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks in the box.
3. Click Next.
4. Give your shortcut a nice name like “Clear Memory”.
5. Click Finish and you’re done.
Windows Tip: Speed Up a Slow My Computer with a Simple Tweak
Posted by billspaced | 12:53 PM | 0 comments »Nice little trick to speed up a slow system --
1. Open Explorer
2. Goto Tools > Folder options > View
3. Uncheck the first check box "Automatically search for network folders and printers"
Windows Tip: Speed Up a Slow My Computer with a Simple Tweak
Official Gmail Blog: IMAP access now available for all users
Posted by billspaced | 12:50 PM | 0 comments »Well, this is pretty cool. You can now sync your gmail inbox across various devices (iPhone, Thunderbird to name 2).
Official Gmail Blog: IMAP access now available for all users
The folks at lifehacker have put together a nice how-to on GrandCentral, a phone service, recently acquired by Google, that allows you to have one phone number that you give out to people, and, depending on who calls you, various of your 17 phones ring. This means that you can have your friends ring your cell and home phones, business partners ring your business cell and business landline, and telemarketers get a message that says this phone number has been disconnected. Additionally, you can set up different voicemail greetings based upon who calls.
Pretty cool, huh?
Screenshot Tour: Consolidate Your Phones with GrandCentral
Some not-so-random links:
Rants 'n Reviews
David Pogue
Andrew Tobias
I've got 10 invitations to give out. If you want one, leave a comment.
Reinstall Windows and outfit your system with all freeware programs Review & Download Link |
Posted by billspaced | 11:55 AM | 0 comments »I love this site! There's always practical information that's easy to understand and implement. One of the best resources on the 'net for computer software.
Reinstall Windows and outfit your system with all freeware programs Review & Download Link |
Recover lost drive data with PhotoRec by Christophe Grenier
Posted by billspaced | 8:53 AM | 0 comments »Knock on wood, I haven't had to try this at home :)
But I will load it immediately on one of my flash drives (so it's portable) and also load it on my PC (in case any of my flash drives ever goes belly-up.
It's always a good idea to have more tools in your toolbox than have to go find/buy tools when the need arises.
Online backups -- try Mozy for FREE
Posted by billspaced | 5:31 AM | backup, Mozy, online | 0 comments »Mozy Online Backup. 2GB Free or $4.95/mo for Unlimited Backup. It's simple, automatic and secure!
Yes, this is a sales pitch, but for good reason. You don't want to lose your data, do you? Retrieving lost data is expensive and sometimes impossible. Do the easy thing -- back up your data online. It really is easy, safe, and secure. Oh, it's automagic too.
iTunes Plus now offers over 2 million tracks at 99 cents
Posted by billspaced | 8:49 PM | 0 comments »Apple iTunes Plus DRM-free music expanding, dropping price
Posted by billspaced | 12:02 AM | 0 comments »iTunes Plus DRM-free tracks expanding, dropping to 99 cents :: Digitizing records and tapes with Audacity
SAP agrees 4.8-billion-euro buyout of Business Objects - Yahoo! News
Online apps are getting very good. Check out Zoho: They offer a word processor, a spreadsheet, meeting, database, and wiki, to name a few.
Is this the end of Apple's dominance of the digital music scene? I hope that competition encourages all the music suppliers to reduce prices, offer a greater selection. is encoding at 256kbs for $.89 to $.99 per song with albums priced between $5.99 and $9.99. Best part of all: They're in the mp3 format, which means 100% compatibility with nearly all music players (I can't think of one player on the market that won't play an mp3, except for Sony's now-dead last generation minidisc players.
UPDATED: amazonmp3 beta
Pretty cool. I might start drinking coffee. Nah, but I will buy their pastries. They're pretty good.
Sometimes, not all the time, the older version of a specific software works better than the "new and improved" version.
This site just might have that old software available to you. It's worth a try!
BlogRush: Driving traffic to a site, one widget view at a time
Posted by billspaced | 1:10 PM | BlogRush, traffic | 0 comments »So I signed up for BlogRush with the hope of driving more targeted traffic my way. Will it work? I don't know? Is it worth a shot? Maybe. Will I offend more real and potential readers with one more ad? Perhaps.
That is not my intention. I hope to derive more readers, a more active dialog about today's issues, and, to be completely honest, a little more cash. I'm not here to make a fortune in the blogosphere, but wouldn't it be nice to get a little change for inspiring others to think about what's going on in the world of computers and technology?
How does it work? Basically, two ways. You install the BlogRush widget. You get one credit each time the widget loads. This means, that within the network, if I get 100 pageviews today, my blog gets "published" in other BlogRush widgets 100 times today.
I also get credit if you sign up. (See all the links in this post?) Sheesh!
If your blog gets 500 pageviews, I get 500 credits. It's like a giant Ponzi scheme, only it appears to be made of real money! :)
How to create an admin account in OS X without an admin password
Posted by billspaced | 1:18 PM | 0 comments »Got a CD that just won't play (for audio, but works for data CDs too)
Posted by billspaced | 2:59 PM | 0 comments »Re-surfacing CDs so they work again. - Instructables
Here's a couple of ways to get audio CDs to play again or stop skipping. The first -- toothpaste. The second, Brasso.
Kinda like the cure to kidnapping -- ransom.
Not only is there a list of complete instructions for removing the crapware, but there is a link to automated tools to rid yourself of it without manually modifying your registry. Very nice.
So, I looked at the overall site, and it's wonderful. It offers lots of good information, and better yet, solutions to common and not-so-common problems.
Check it out!
Links to VirusProtect Pro fixes.
Wow, super extensive list of lots of sites for web development, blogging, music, software, etc.
Multi core PC? It's probably not being stretched to its limit
Posted by billspaced | 11:59 AM | 0 comments »Update tables based on the lookup wizard (Microsoft Access)
Posted by billspaced | 8:33 PM | 0 comments »» Create a field for a changing Access data table using the Lookup Wizard | Microsoft Office |
Adobe poised to challenge Google and Microsoft in office applications
Posted by billspaced | 9:26 AM | 0 comments »Strange business idea that just might work. They should hook up with those Time-Life and K-tel people to sell their wares. That little countdown clicker thingamajig moves product!
I need this! You need this! It's a great system in which to move files around.
Time to toot my own horn -- I scored 10 out of 10! I rock. And I'm very lucky.
4 Registry hacks in Win XP that speed up your computer
Posted by billspaced | 8:20 PM | 0 comments »
Excellent article on keeping Windows XP tuned for maximum performance
Posted by billspaced | 11:22 PM | 0 comments »Dumb Little Man
I "found" this through Dumb Little Man. Web 2.0-ish domain search that finds as you type. Pretty cool.
Shortcut to Windows' Task Manager
Posted by billspaced | 12:30 PM | task manager, Windows | 0 comments »CTRL + SHIFT + ESC = Task Manager
So I came into work today to find my "show desktop" icon gone, having had this happen a few times before, always getting it to work -- eventually, after searching -- so I decided to publish this resource.
Ever try this? It's worth a shot, eh?
This works very well. At times, sites loaded with Flash animation (youtube) hang, depending upon from where I'm browsing. Most of the time, I just want to read the text on the page; I don't even care about the graphics!
So, I found this. Flashblock is a Firefox extension that works. It has a whitelist for those sites that you don't want to block. For those sites that you don't want to see Flash, you simply load the page, Flashblock puts in the place of the animation an icon that you click if you decide you want to see the video.
Couldn't be any better or easier than this!
To a Mac newbie and long-time Windows user, the frustration of not being able to write to an NTFS drive is unbearable. What is wrong with this machine, you might say.
Never fear, you need more drivers.
Dumb Little Man
20 Tips for More Efficient Google Searches - Dumb Little Man
How to Delete an Undeletable File | [Geeks Are Sexy] Technology News
TrialPay: How I Found a Scam Free Way to Get Free Stuff - Associated Content
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Tom's Hardware Guide -- THE definitive source for research
Posted by billspaced | 10:35 AM | 0 comments »Tom's Hardware - Computer Hardware News, Tests, Ratings and Reviews
The new version, 7.2, adds support for previewing, purchasing and downloading DRM-free music through the iTunes Store.Playlist: iTunes 7.2 supports DRM-free 'iTunes Plus' music
Windows Vista help, tutorials and tricks
Useful things you can do with NirCmd: Increase or decrease volume, turn off the monitor, logoff, reboot, empty the recycle bin, etc.
NirSoft - freeware utilities: password recovery, system utilities, desktop utilities
Google Bringing Anti-Virus Tools to Google Desktop?
Daily Cup of Tech is one of the most useful sites in my bookmarks. I read it every day and learn something new each time. One of the best sites on tech on the 'net.
Daily Cup of Tech » 10 Ways to Protect Your Home Network
Save any audio playing through your PC with MP3myMP3 Recorder 2.0
Posted by billspaced | 11:14 AM | 0 comments »MP3 My MP3 Recorder - Record sounds and music to MP3 Free!
ArsGeek - Free your inner geek » Adobe Acrobat Reader got you down?
Windows Explorer Command-Line Options
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So I'm thinking about building my own PVR: Apple or Windows?
Posted by billspaced | 3:03 PM | 0 comments »That said, Macs are so much more elegant. I think with the right software and a sprinkling of off-the-shelf hardware, I could build a video server, replete with MPEG encoding and decoding, for a little less than an HDTV Series 3 TiVo.
Am I right? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
HDTV Magazine Articles: Roll Your Own Video Server - Mac Mini-style » reviews and downloads of the best and coolest freeware
100 web apps that just about cover everything
Posted by billspaced | 4:53 PM | AJAX, freelance, office, tools, web applications | 0 comments »Codswallop » The Freelancer’s Toolset: 100 Web Apps for Everything You Will Possibly Need
Rocky Mountain News - Denver and Colorado's reliable source for breaking news, sports and entertainment: Tech & telecom
Yahoo! Photos shutting down in favor of Yahoo-acquired Flickr
Posted by billspaced | 12:42 PM | 0 comments »Breaking: Yahoo To Shut Down Yahoo Photos In Favor Of Flickr
TrendProtect browser plug in helps avoid malicious web pages
Posted by billspaced | 12:44 PM | 0 comments »TrendProtect adds a new button to your browser's toolbar area. The icon
and color of the button changes to indicate whether the page currently
open is safe, unsafe, trusted, or unrated, or whether it contains
unwanted content.
TrendSecure | TrendProtect™ Overview
Daily Cup of Tech » USB Drive Systems
Netvibes -- Great home page aggregator
Posted by billspaced | 10:27 AM | browser, Lifehacker, Netvibes | 0 comments »Here's a Lifehacker guide to getting more out of Netvibes.
Alpha Geek: Trick out your Netvibes - Lifehacker
Batch script primer
Adobe's ubiquitous Reader exposes your system to complete control by malicious hackers. There are only two solutions: Remove Reader from your system or install the latest version. Since Reader files are so prevalent, the latter option is the only viable option.
PDF security risk greater than originally thought | CNET
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