Microsoft Store

How to clear your Windows memory

Posted by billspaced | 1:47 AM | 4 comments »

1. Right click on an empty spot on your desktop and select New - Shortcut.

2. Type %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks in the box.

3. Click Next.

4. Give your shortcut a nice name like “Clear Memory”.

5. Click Finish and you’re done.


  1. Anonymous // 7:36 AM  

    kewl , Thanks for your great Tip,hope is doesn't effect on running processes plz reply wat happen if i use it , i m using Tuneup utilities now :)


  2. billspaced // 12:11 PM  


    It should only affect idle processes. If, however, you've got something running in the background, it might cause a disruption (or worse). I'd suggest you proceed with caution.

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  3. Jay a.k.a. 'Dat' // 11:53 PM  

    wait, it doesn't harm anything though, right? is this almost similar to the alt, ctrl, dlt menu?


  4. billspaced // 12:51 PM  

    From Microsoft:

    Scheduling Idle Tasks: The ProcessIdleTask API
    Windows Vista file placement optimization, which is done no more often than once every 3 days, is an example of a task that is carried out when the system is idle. System Restore and other features of Windows XP and Windows Vista also attempt to defer some work until the system is idle. Some work items that are done once after Windows Setup runs also operate under the idle task scheduling mechanisms.
    You can control all these idle tasks by using a system API in Advapi32.dll named ProcessIdleTasks. The sole purpose of the API is to give benchmarks a simple way to force any pending idle tasks to be executed immediately, without being required to wait a long time.
    You can call the API ProcessIdleTasks in one of two ways: from the command line or synchronously from a program. To call ProcessIdleTasks from the command line, use the following syntax:
    Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

    When called from the command line, the ProcessIdleTasks work occurs asynchronously in the background and can take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Task Manager reports the processes that are running, and the disk is likely active during this time.
    The ProcessIdleTasks API takes no arguments and returns a standard Microsoft Win32® error code, as follows:

    The API itself is synchronous, so it does not return until the idle tasks have completed.
    Benchmarking Tip for Scheduled Tasks: In addition to the preceding idle tasks, many systems include tasks that are scheduled to run at specific times of the day. To ensure consistency of your benchmarks, be aware of any scheduled tasks that might run during the benchmark. Either disable them or ensure that they run during every benchmark.

    So, what I think is happening is memory isn't being cleared, but programs in memory that are waiting for the system to be idle are being forced to execute, then close, thus freeing memory for other tasks.

    Make sense?

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