Microsoft Store

Happy New Year!!!

I've just started re-using Google Reader again and am going to give it the old college try this time. Last time, I chose Netvibes over Reader, but everybody seems to love Google Reader so much that I feel compelled to try to make the most of it, surmising that perhaps I missed a lot last time around.

I'm a visual sort of fellow and Netvibes really fills the bill there. But Reader has a lot more productivity-enhancing features that it's worth a shot. So, here is the "official" list of Google shortcuts.

Enjoy. By the way, the shortcut for the list of shortcuts, within Reader, of course, is Shift + / (that's a Shift key and a forward slash at the same time).

These shortcuts should cut down a lot of mousing around.

Here's Part 1 of the list, as copied directly from Google's page on the subject:

j/k: next/previous item
space: next item or page
+ space: previous item or page
n/p: item scan down/up (list only)
+ n/p: next/previous subscription
+ x: expand folder
+ o: open subscription or folder


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