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Did you hear about the IT tech who worked for the city of San Francisco? He locked everybody out of the multi-million dollar network and now he's facing serious charges.

Back when I was an "IT guy" for some major corporations and small startups, I had sick fantasies about doing something like what this guy did (well, mine were sicker, actually).

Oh, there was always the thought of getting in serious trouble, but you know the thing that really stopped me?

Integrity and not wanting to put my fellow workers through the hell that would ensue.

But the computer technician who locked everybody out of the city of San Francisco's computer network is a real piece of work; he apparently has no conscience. It's difficult to determine what his motives are, because I haven't seen any interviews with him -- I think he's behind bars right now -- but one can guess that he's a little disgruntled.

I'd fear this guy -- he could "go postal" at any minute. It's one thing to think about these things (the power you could wield), but to act on them is, well, criminal.

He doesn't own the network or any of the assets in the network. He didn't put up any of his own money.

And do you see his salary? $150,000? Wow, I never made near that much doing what he was doing, and that was back in the day when companies were giving away money.

I guess it really does pay to work for a city flush with cash. Next time SF says they're having a tough time, just point to situations like this one.

S.F. officials locked out of computer network


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