When you go to buy a new computer you want to know there is help out there for you when you need it. Though it will depend on who you buy from, many times you can get help from the manufacturer of the computer, or even from your Internet provider. What kind of computer help you need will determine who you can call. Most of the time your computer manufacturer will help you but you should know that if you get a virus you may be on your own. My brother found this out one day when he had to call Dell after a computer crash.
When something goes wrong you need to get computer help as soon as you can. The last thing you want is to have a broken computer and nobody to fix it. This will mean you will have to spend a lot of money to go to a computer specialist to get your machine up and running again. This type of computer help can be very expensive. The moment you think something is wrong you should stop what youíre doing, and do troubleshooting on your computer. You should have a program on your computer that will instantly scan for things that may or may not be wrong. This information will help you when you call your computerís manufacturer.
Most of the time computer help over the phone is free although this differs from company to company. Some companies will offer computer help for free no matter what, but others will only help you if you are still under warranty. This is information you may not know until you actually call for help, so it may be wise to keep your warranty information with you, or pay for an extended service deal if it is offered to you. If something is wrong with your Internet connection or with your web browser, your Internet service provider should be able to help you for free.
Remember that if you have a friend who knows how to fix computers you can save a lot of money that way, however, make sure they know what theyíre doing before you allow them to touch your computer. This type of computer help is no help at all if they do more damage. I have had many people try to help me with my computer only to mess it up more. That meant that the computer help I had to get after their bumbling ended up costing me even more. Make sure someone is qualified before you ask them for computer help.
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